parallax background

IKNOWco was established with the aim of effective presence in the software market. 

Our primary goal is to help information mechanization and, in a broader sense, modernize the information technology platform for target organizations.

About US

Due to the time-consuming manual processes in the field of personnel affairs, including recruiting and hiring, issuing orders and paying salaries and wages, recruitment, performance management, training, welfare, attendance and absence, and evaluation of employees, and in line with the integration and unity of procedures in carrying out the processes Respective; Organizations, holdings and companies take their human capital management out of the isolated state and make it centralized, process-oriented and much more efficient.

The set of human resources management software of IKNOW has been presented with a comprehensive view and with the aim of mechanizing the procedures related to the organization's personnel and covering their extensive needs based on an integrated infrastructure. In addition to meeting the standard needs, this collection helps the organization in the real mechanization of human resource management processes.

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Cloud based

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